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Nov 22, 2011

How to start , stop perfmon from the command line in Windows ?

Logman command is the solution for it.
let's have a look at the command syntax

Syntax Verbs
Logman [create {counter | tracecollection_name ] [start collection_name] [stop collection_name] [delete collection_name] [query {collection_name|providers}] [update collection_name]

Parameter details:-

create {counter | tracecollection_name Creates collection queries for either counter or trace collections. You can use command line options to specify settings.
start collection_name Starts the data collection query collection_name. Use this option to change from scheduled collections to manual ones. Use the update parameter in the command line with begin-time (-b), end-time (-e), or repeat-time (-rt) to reschedule collections.
stop collection_name Stops the data collection query collection_name. Use this option to change from scheduled collections to manual ones. Use the update parameter in the command line with begin-time (-b), end-time (-e), or repeat-time (-rt) to reschedule collections.
delete collection_name Deletes the data collection query collection_name. If the collection_name does not exist, you will receive an error.
query {collection_name|providersIf no collection_name or providers are given, the status of all existing collection queries are displayed. Use collection_name to display the properties of a specific collection. To display the properties on remote computers, use the -s remote computer option in the command line. Use providers as your keyword in place of collection_name to display the registered providers installed on your local system. To list registered providers installed on the remote system, use the -soption in the command line.
update collection_name Updates collection queries for counter and trace collections. For counter collections, modifications to the query will stop, and then restart the collections. For trace collections, use the following parameters in the command line to query without stopping the collection: -p provider [(flags[,flags ...])Level- max n- o PathName-ft mm:ss, or -fd.

This command is very helpful in performance automation scenario.
If performance monitoring counter name is test_perf_log
then start command will go as :-
    logman start test_perf_log
on similar line stop command will go as:-
    logman stop test_perf_log

For more detail jump to page :-

Nov 1, 2011

Google MAP APIs to charge for usage, heavy traffic cost more

Google MAP server with their increased traffic has given a new dimension of earning to Google. With its success now Google is planning to charge for its usage.
Now one has to pay according to their usage.

Following is the cost estimation as per BBC
"The BBC is reporting that from 1 January 2012, Google will charge for the Google Maps API service when more than the limit of 25,000 map "hits" are made in a day. Google is rumoured to be charging $4 per 1,000 views in excess of the limit. Google maintains the high limit of 25,000 free hits before charging 'will only affect 0.35% of users.'"

In the Google announcement: "We understand that the introduction of these limits may be concerning. However with the continued growth in adoption of the Maps API we need to secure its long term future by ensuring that even when used by the highest volume for-profit sites, the service remains viable. By introducing these limits we are ensuring that Google can continue to offer the Maps API for free to the vast majority of developers for many years to come."

About Google Maps API

The Maps API is a free service, available for any web site that is free to consumers. Please see the terms of service for more information.
Businesses that charge fees for access, track assets or build internal applications must use Google Maps API Premier, which provides enhanced features, technical support and a service-level agreement.

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